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SECE Mind provides Mental Health Training for Song School thanks to local funding

South East and Central Essex Mind are pleased to be partnering with local music group The Song School, to provide mental health training for all coaching staff.

Founder Louisa Strachan said
“We have selected South East and Central Essex Mind to partner on the initiative as experts in this field and they are keen to help us develop bespoke training based on the specific needs of our young people.  

Music is tied to functions; from social rituals like weddings to singing a baby to sleep; therefore has its place in dealing with emotions of all kinds, including negative mental health experiences.

The children often reference their mental health; whether they are struggling with identity, anxieties around ASD or new and developing health conditions, there is often a conversation and therefore a level of support required from coaching staff. In our most recent student survey a number cited how attending had “changed their life” or “saved their life”. Because of these responses we feel a responsibility to ensure staff are up to date with the latest tools available and are therefore introducing regular mental health training. ”

The Song School runs a weekly timetable of music classes, recording and music technology workshops, plus School holiday workshops at their Central Southend studios. Across all classes, students are encouraged to support each other’s achievements and lift each other up to help build resilience, self-esteem, improve mental wellbeing and ensure they all enjoy their time with the School. 

SECE Mind will be providing bespoke training to the team thanks to funding and support from SAVS Community Investment Fund.

Robyn Blackwood of SECE Mind said

“It shows fantastic initiative that The Song School have identified an opportunity and need to further support their student’s wellbeing and have actioned this by working with us to train their coaches.

We are seeing more and more how important early intervention is when it comes to mental health, especially in young people. By working together we can help ensure there are trained people within a wide ranges of roles and together we can help reduce stigma, improve our education as a community and give more opportunity for people to get support if they need it.”

South East and Central Essex Mind offers a range of low cost training both online or in person. All SECE Mind courses are run by qualified and experienced trainers, with all sales helping to support our work and help fund local services.⁠ To find out more about what we can offer visit Mental Health Training — SECE Mind (