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South East and Central Essex Mind would like to invite you to attend its AGM for the Financial Year 2022/23.

This year's event will be held online via Zoom on Friday 16 February at 11am.
Following the formal business meeting, there will be opportunities to hear about our plans for 2024/25 and discover more about our work during the past year.

Book your free place via Eventbrite

All our colleagues from local health and wellbeing organisations in the third and statutory sector are welcome to join us. Together we can work together to make a real difference to the mental health and wellbeing of people in our region.

Please book your free ticket to register for this event. For enquiries contact us at

If you would be interested in volunteering with our charity and joining us as a trustee, please get in touch with Caroline Grant (

South East and Central Essex Mind is a registered mental health charity No.1148451